Thursday 24 April 2014

Representation and Ethics in Cartoons

The writer of the article has spotted some things which he deems to be problematic with Rio 2.
He notices that the lead characters are voiced by white american people, and that characters who are indigenous to the setting of Brazil are voiced by Latin actors / actresses. In addition the "singing dancing, comic relief sidekicks" are mainly voiced by african-americans like Jamie Foxx and

With regard to stereotypes in animation, PEP means 'Problem context', 'Entertainment context' and 'Performance context'. Dr Charles Da Costa is a british lecturer who uses these in his lectures.
He says that within animation, black people typically "strive to pacify, make others happy and be exceptional or extraordinary." He goes on to state that "Villainy, exoticism, jocularity and athleticism are common indicators of this malaise".

Da Costa believes that one of the reasons we end up with stereotypes in animation might be because "Decisions on character and performance must be made quickly in order for design and production processes to commence and advance." He goes on to mention that "representations of ethnicity and epidermal type, family animation often finds itself in a bind.

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