Saturday 26 April 2014

My Animation in Current Trends

I feel as though Trace would fit in well to the current marketplace. It has the necessary ingredients to make a cult classic animation short. The intended high budget CGI animation allows for infinite possibilities when it comes to visual effects, and with some darker themes and dystopian atmosphere i believe it could give animation a foothold in the young adult market. (Somewhere that animation isn't so prevalent.)

Trace would deliver with some of the edgiest trends, especially parkour. Parkour is very much in it's infancy, and has sky rocketed in popularity due to it's seemingly 'dangerous' image. In the animation i would highlight Parkour as a beneficial pursuit with positive effects for the protagonist, and avoid as much as possible the exacerbation of any negative misconceptions

With the internet playing an increasingly large role in the digestion of media i think a platform like Vimeo or Youtube is where this animation belongs. It would provide quick and easy access to the piece, as well as the ability to share and distribute it through the likes of social media, where it would be bound to build an audience.

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