Tuesday 18 March 2014

Character Design

Character design is the combination of physical traits and narrative.

The narrative or storyline defines personality, gives context (genre, location setting) and therefore has to feed into the look and design of the character.

The face is the primary channel through which characters express emotion, this is why many animated characters have large heads.

Also, much can be communicated through posture and body language, this allows for personality traits to be identifiable in silhouette form.

Solarski states that how a character carries their physical weight can tell us about their personality, which body part they lead with is important -
Heroes generally lead with their chest

Lazy or more relaxed characters often lead with their pelvis / lower half

Intelligent characters might lead with their head

and subservient ones, their knees.

Power and dominance revolves around expanding and taking up space, conversely, weakness becomes smaller.

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