Sunday 16 March 2014

Animation Comparison

Making of Dot

Dot is made simply using a Nokia mobile phone camera and microscope that is attached to the lens. They then create 9mm figures using a 3D printing technique for each position the character needs to be in. They place the figure under the camera and take a photo for each frame. They then combine all of the photos into a video, add music and sound effects.

Making of Peppa Pig

Peppa Pig was created using a program called CellAction 2D. This program allows them to efficiently produce episode after episode in a simple and cost effective way. They work in 4 teams and each team produces an episode all at different stages so they get one a week.

Making of South Park

Originally, South Park was brought to life with paper cut outs and stop motion techniques. But this method was just to time consuming and labour intensive. While retaining the cut out style, they use a largely computer based animation system. They have over 300 processors and use a program called 'Mia' which is at the cutting edge of animating.

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